Happy pg 10 12-31-14

 By Ron P. Coderre
In what has become a tradition, RPC extends a Happy New Year and a healthy 2015 to our loyal readers and local  good sports.
Happy New Year to Stan Lesniewski, Mike Madden, James Martin, Alan and Carolyn Granberg, Jeff Rawson, Earl Rosebrooks, Romeo Blackmar, Tom Borner, Charlie Puffer, Dick Loomis, John Miller, Jay Sinha, Doug Valentine, Scott Pempek, Bob Halloran, Linda Lemmon, Steve Adams, Kevin Shaw, David Conrad, Tony Falzarano, Rep. Dan Rovero, Sen. Mae Flexer, Hon. Don Williams, Pete Place, Jeff Bond, Rick Carnahan, Jim West, Doug Porter, Willie Bousquet, Rande and Fred Chmura and Shawn Deary.
Also to Tom Espinosa, Giray Gebes, Eric Mauer, Chris Coderre, Rene Morin, Jim Bellavance, Bob Lachance, Paul Faucher, Dan Durand, Mike and Cheryl Ann Carignan, John Foucault, Ray Faucher, Everett Shepard, Joe Lindley, Ron Desrochers, Barney Seney, Don Steinbrick, Rep. Mike Alberts, Doug Cutler, Pete Benoit, Owen Tarr, Alma Morey, David Landry, The Vitales, Dave, Andy, Peter and Mary, Eric Gustavson, Joe Hanrahan, Charlie Baron, Dickie Androlewicz, Joseph Adiletta, Keith Aubin, Linda and Mike Lamoureux, Andy Crowley, Jeff Lefevre, Larry Guillot, David LaFleur and Don St. Onge.
Charley Panteleakos, Keith O’Hara, Sam Markley, Michael Coderre, Rick Koneicny, Gary O, John Wilbur, Kerensa Konesni-Hammerschlag, Buzz King, Gene Blain, Dale Smith, Walt Crabtree, Cliff Aubin, John, Steve and Dave Smutnick, Peter Cooper, Earl Semmelrock, Laurence Hale, Jim Zahansky, Jim Weiss, Dr. Marc Cerrone, Dr. Murray Buttner, Woody and Sylvia Danenhower, Charlie and Joanne Crowley, Gary Brine, Paul Kelly, Matt Smith, Cody Semmelrock, Teddy Babcock, Bob Bernier, Charlie Lee, Christian Sarantopoulos, Pete Gerardi, Roger LaFrancois, Kevin Hogan, Cosmo Quercia and Chuck Bourgeois.
There are more, Greg Smith, Mike Bourgeois, John Krot, Lauren Moore, Mark Russell, Dr. Jeff Howe, Victor Kratz, David Coderre, Pete Trama, Dick Turcotte, John and Lauren Dignam, Bob Fournier, Bill Juszwic, Armand Jolly, Bob Clemens, Gary Brock, James Frost, Donna Coderre, Paul Aldrich, Jerry Beausoleil, Gerry Langevin, Benny Auger, Dave Landry, Linda Colangelo, John Casey, Moe Coderre, Jim Gothreau, Jim Shaw, Derek Coderre, Neil Bernier, Dan Goyette, Rick Place, Dave Pomes, Jim Dandeneau, Brad Rabitor, Lisa Casettari, Pete Bonin, John Adams, Al Smat, Phil Durand, Kevin Johnston, Kevin Lengyl, Armand LaFleur, Greg King, Jerry Vaillant, Marc Coderre, Bruce Johnson, Mike Sherman, Tony Gronski, Shawn Johnston and Marc Archambault.
How about Deb Spinnelli, Greg and Charlie Kozey, Guy Lapointe, Fr. Ed Dempsey, Fr. David Choquette, Paul Nelson, David Champeau, Tony Pasiakos, Sean Sullivan, Keith Barnes, Jim Guillot, John Donovan, Andrew Faucher, Tyler Smith, Joe Voccio, Gene Michael Deary, Gunnar Andersen, Tom Archambault, Rick Ives, Pat Smith, Bob Arremony, Chad Neal, Jay McNally, Josh Scraba, Dan Gomes, Ryan Rumrill, Ryan Walsh, Mike Peters, Travis Godley, Jim and Pat Calhoun, Tim Richards, Peter Deary, Walt Hinchman and Peter Leclair.
There are others Stu Morse, Scott Tetreault, Lee Konicki, Rick Hayes, Tim Bly, Chico Andersen, Richard Galloway, Merrill Seney, Bruce and Monique Wolanin, Betty Hale, Sean Hendricks, Kevin Farr, Joe Tsaczinsky, Bill Hull, Robin Deary-Fillmore, Kasey Fillmore, Freddie and Lucille Nelson, Lauren Briere, Chris Sandford, Aaron Patterson, Clay Kinngsworth, Joe Assermelly, Matt and Ed Desaulnier, Eric Quinn, Jay Long, Lysa Molnar, Mike Brodeur, Willie Z, Mike Vassar, Sarah Hamby, Pam Childs, Jim and Deb St. Jean, Jay Cyr, Justin Dumas, Justin Cyr, Gordie Mauer and Rick and Bob Bogert.
The list continues Molly and Michael Panteleakos, Laura Crosetti, Chris Vaillencourt, Roger Franklin, Bernie Ducat, Roger Daigle, Jesse Mayo, Chuck and Jim Mahoney, Mike Deary, Marc Coderre, Jr., Bill and Kathy Zamagni, Chelsea Leverette, Michelle Gaimari, Fr. John O’Neill, Mike Bernier, Mike Pizzetti, Paul Roy, Pat Ruffo, Don King, Brendan Larkin, Jim Sali, Eric Sarette, Norm and Terry Perron, Bob Jacques, Tony Giambattista, Ed Perron, Brian Castle, Mike Termini, Bob Beaudry, Greg Harubin, Bill St. Onge, Ed Higgins, Nick Longo, Roger Mercier, Jack and Mary Jane Burke, Norm Chartier, Ray Navarro, Jean Hryzan, Vic Lippiello, Ann Montiero, and Paul Toussaint.
Jeff and Kalin Bousquet, Jack Reeves, Valentine Iamartino, Priscilla Dowd, Ellen Knight, Rev. Tom Meyers, Jessica and Scott Jellison, Diane Harmon, David and Billie Gaudreau, Ed Morrissette, Bruce Dexter, Ed Piccione, Joe Nash, Crawford Haythe, Dr. Ron Klare, Bob Guillot, Don Hoenig, Bob Lebeau, Bob Rovatti, Steve Peluso, Dick Tremblay, John McCormac, Ed Hamill, John Iovino, Eric Gustavson, Kevin DeRoth, Bob McCormick, Lefty Lefevre, Dave Guillot, Eugene “Smitty” Smith, Mike and Paula Lajeunesse and Mike Sosik.
And some more names, Mark Lowell, Willie Davis, Walter and Terri LaRochelle, Lou Chartier, Sarah Mortensen, Adam Minor, Charlie Lenz, Andy and Emily Morrison, Brian Smith, Bob Girard, Kevin Haggerty, Roger Breault, John Lachance, Mike Lussier, Snook Gardner, Don Musial, John Sarantopoulos, David Austin, Steve and Sean Martel, Nate Broduer, Richard Blake, Frank Griffin, Charlie Franklin, Dave Kingeter, “The Kingbees,” Jeff Ploughman Sr. Gertrude Lanouette, Jim LaPrade, Carlo Key, Ricky and Stu Neal, Paul Coutu and Scott Derosier.
The list is near the end, Jonathan Hoenig, Gary Hayes, Roger Mercier, John Daviau, Dave Hall, Bob Mondor, Ronnie Vargas, Bob Tetreault, Warren Scholl, Liz Zachow, Jim Gothreau, Bill Kelleher, Gerry Cotnoir, Russ Burgess, Paul and Joy Nelson, Leon “Bingo” Gothreau, Bill Neumann, Mary Beaulac, Gerry Tetreault, Diane Bates, Meg Popiak, DR Hoenig, Vic Lippiello, Jim Kroll, Chico Panu, John Peters, Alan Rawson, Peter Lange, Don Cushing, Phil Leveille, Tim Oliver, David and Lori Foisy, Michael and Deidre Artiaco, Bob Breault, Dan and Delpha Very and Kenny LaFleur.
To all good sports, have a great 2015 and be safe.
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