Drug pg 1 4-30-15

Drug take
back a
yet again
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- The town's most recent Prescription Drug Take Back Day pulled in high numbers, yet again.
Town Administrator and PRIDE coalition member Douglas M. Cutler said more than 200 pounds of prescription drugs were dropped off. The last take-back day, last fall, took in 150 pounds. He added 103 vehicles came through the drop-off point at the Farmer's Market off Kennedy Drive.
Although the federal Drug Enforcement Agency will be stepping back on its financial support of the program, Cutler said the town plans to continue the event. "It keeps our name out there and our message out there," he said. 
In addition to continuing the twice-per-year drug take back days, he said the town will also keep promoting the lock box in the lobby of the Putnam Police Department. Anyone, even from towns outside Putnam, are welcome to pop in and drop prescription drugs into the lock box. 
"We plan to keep letting people know you can drop off 24/7 and 365 days per year at the lock box," he said. 
Even without the grant money, he said, we'd still do the take backs. He added that the grant money is only part of the funding for the programs. Contributions from business and organizations are a good part of the financial support.
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