Bikes pg 6 6-4-15

captions. Top right: Earl Rosebrooks, PBA president, and Jennifer Beckett.
Middle:  Delpha Very
'Beauty Bikes'
The Putnam Business Association's Beautification Subcommittee recently got to work on its bike project.  The fruits of the first surge of labor are now gracing the sidewalks of downtown Putnam.
This is the second year of the program. Last year there were 22 bikes painted up and holding baskets of flowers, sprinkled throughout downtown Putnam.
Of those 22 bicycles, the subcommittee members created 17 of them. Many downtown businesses create their own bicycle art project. This year, thus far 13 bicycles were painted and planted. 
The price for a basic old bicycle is $15. The price for a painted old bicycle is $20 and if you wanted the bicycle painted, and planted and delivered, the price is $75.
If interested, contact either Delpha Very at the Putnam Economic and Community Development office on Main Street or Ann Monteiro at The Flying Carpet in the Montgomery Ward Building downtown.
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