TriTown pg 9 7-30-15

Special to the Putnam Town Crier
A full house of family, friends, team officials, players and guests was on hand to celebrate the conclusion of the TriTown American Legion Baseball team 2015 season at its postseason banquet.  The event was held on Friday, July 24 at American Legion Post #67 in Thompson.
The guest speaker for the program was Managing Editor for CBS 3 News in Springfield, Mass., and Thompson native Tony Consiglio.  A 2002 graduate of Tourtellotte Memorial High School and Emerson College in Boston, Consiglio held the audience with stories of his rise from intern at WINY, through his days as a television anchor in Bangor, Maine, to his current position.
“I’ve had a passion for broadcast journalism since I was a young man.  I took advantage of every position and situation I’ve been in to help me get where I am today and have many people to thank for my success,” said Consiglio.
“Never be afraid to ask questions and apply for positions.  You’ll only know the answer if you ask.  Also be creative and don’t be afraid of hard work and do a little extra.  It will pay off for you,” Consiglio told the young players in the audience.
Consiglio, who is an admitted baseball junkie, cut his teeth locally with the Thompson Little League.  He played high school baseball at Tourtellotte under legendary coach Tom Auclair and was a four-year member of the TriTown American Legion Baseball Program.
“It’s great to witness a success story such as Tony Consiglio.  He’s proof that local talent can rise and be recognized in a chosen career field.  I hope his message to the audience will encourage at least one young person to take advantage of the advice he related,” said TriTown Executive Committee Chairman Ronald P. Coderre.
During the awards portion of the program two Junior team members and four Senior players were recognized for their accomplishments over the summer season.  The awards were presented by Senior coach John Foucault and Junior coach Craig Ciquera.
The Rene “Doc” Desaulniers Award to a Senior player who best represents the values of American Legion Baseball went to Jacob Guertin.  The TriTown catcher demonstrated the leadership qualities that kept the team in every game despite facing strong competition and posting a 9-18 record.
The Coach Tom Auclair Outstanding Player Award went to Senior second baseman Benny Brissette, who posted a .372 batting average from his clean-up position in the batting order.
The TriTown Executive Committee Award to a Senior player who contributed all-around play and spirit to the success of the team went to J.P. Bergeron, who was willing to play any position for the benefit of the program.  He batted .310 and led the team with 14 runs-batted-in.  Bergeron and Brissette were also recognized as the only two graduating players from this season’s team.
The Stan Lesniewski 10th Player Award went to the versatile Kyle Tyler, who was the Senior team’s first baseman and also played the outfield.  He served as the team’s closer on the mound and was one of the most dependable hitters in the clutch.
The Joe Lindley Most Improved Player Award was presented to Junior player Noah Putnam, who demonstrated enthusiasm and a positive attitude on and off the field.  His impact on the team and his play on the field grew with each game.
The Louis Francis Bates Memorial Award presented to the outstanding Junior player went to Kobe Akana, who did whatever was necessary to help the team.  He was solid with his glove, possessed a quick bat, and strong arm.  His consummate work ethic epitomized the American Legion Baseball pledge of respect for the game, coaches and officials.
The team also honored The Crossings Restaurant & Brew Pub of Putnam for its sponsorship of Coaches Corner on WINY Radio.  On hand to receive the award was owner Sean Sullivan and manager Keith Barnes.  American Legion Post#13 Honor Guard received a Certificate of Appreciation for presenting the colors at every TriTown special event.  The award was accepted by Honor Guard Captain Marc Coderre Sr. and Alan Joslin.
Cheryl Anne Carignan was accorded special thanks for her efforts throughout the season in coordinating the “little things” that make running a program a success.  The sponsoring American Legion Posts, #13 Putnam, #67 Thompson and #111 Woodstock were also honored for their ongoing support.
The program opened with the presentation of the colors and the singing of the National Anthem by Post #13 member and U.S. Air Force veteran Maurice “Moe” Coderre.  Executive Committee Chairman Ronald P. Coderre served as Master of Cermonies.  Members of the Executive Committee are Everett Shepard, Joe Lindley, Stan Lesniewski, Mike Santerre, Barry Shead and Paul Faucher.
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