Academy pg 9 9-17-15

By Ron P. Coderre
This week’s column is dedicated to former owner of WINY Radio Mike Gerardi.  The ex-Marine now enjoys life relaxing on the shores of Lake Alexander and an occasional lunch at the Golden Greek Restaurant.  Always gregarious of nature, Gerardi continues to display a great sense of humor.  He celebrated a birthday on September 16.
Even though the high school golf season ended in June, a member of the Woodstock Academy women’s golf team continued her competitive golf regime throughout the summer.  Roxanne Garceau, a junior at the Academy finished runner-up in a pair of highly regarded PGA Junior Golf Association tournaments.
In July Garceau tied for 2nd place in the Frank Kringle Junior Tournament, which was held at East Mountain Country Club in Westfield, Mass.  She finished with a score of 79.  The following month she once again tied for 2nd place, this time in the Ralph Denicolo Memorial Tournament with a score of 90.  The Dinicolo event was held at Manchester Country Club.
The PGA Junior Golf Association established in 1998 is open to male and female golfers, ages 10-18.  To become a member of the Association golfers must meet four requirements prior to being granted membership.  Golfers must pass an online Rules Test; be certified by a PGA Professional; obtain a USGA/GHIN member number; and must attend with a parent or guardian the Junior Golf Association Season Meeting. 
Garceau, who is a member of Quinnatisset Country Club, is the daughter of Richard and Patricia Garceau.  Her dad is the successful boys’ golf coach at Woodstock Academy.  She’s the granddaughter of Woodstock residents Dick and Gale Garceau, longtime Quinny members.
Former Hot Corner Hot Shots Visit Quinnatisset
In baseball third base is often referred to as the ‘hot corner.’  In the mid-‘60s Holy Cross College and Assumption College each had players who patrolled the ‘hot corner’ with great efficiency and skill.
The Crusaders’ third baseman was Worcester native Jack Avis, while the Greyhounds third sacker was Charlie Defilippo from Mechanicsville.  Both men enjoyed stellar college baseball careers and later went on to successful careers.  Avis became a lawyer, who continues to practice in Worcester.  Defilippo went on to a career in education and served as a high school principal at three different high schools in Massachusetts.
On Wednesday, September 9 the two former opponents met for the first time when they played golf at Quinnatisset Country Club in the same foursome.  They enjoyed a round of golf with a mutual friend Bob Jacques and yours truly.  Both Avis and Defilippo acquitted themselves well on the links as they once did on the diamond.
Weatherman Valuable Asset To Red Sox
While watching the Boston Red Sox and Toronto Blue Jays on NESN on Wednesday, September 9, the broadcast team of Don Orsillo and Jerry Remy had Boston meteorologist Kevin Lemanowicz as their guest in the booth.  Lemanowicz is the chief meteorologist for FOX 25 in Boston.
During the interview Lemanowicz described how he works with the Red Sox and the umpiring crew when threatening weather is headed toward Fenway Park.  It was interesting to get a behind the scenes look at how important weather information from Lemanowicz and his team plays a role in the broadcast and running of the game.
The interview piqued my interest as Lemanowicz is originally from Killingly.  As a high school student he played baseball for the Killingly Redmen and frequently we were on the same baseball field together, he as a strapping first baseman and me as an umpire.  I recall discussions with him between innings on his plans for the future.  I clearly remember him telling me how he was planning to attend Cornell University and study meteorology.
Much to his credit Lemanowicz graduated from Cornell in 1991 with a degree in Meteorology.  He’s been with FOX 25 since 1996, where he’s become a well known celebrity in the Boston area.  Lemanowicz is a great example to local students, proving that with hard work you can make your dreams a reality.
Verified Hole-in-One
Part of the thrill of recording a hole-in-one is the reaction of not only the golfer who hit the shot but the revelry that goes with it by those who witness the shot.  On Thursday, September 3 at exactly 5:51 p.m. Killingly resident George Lakatzis experienced the elation that accompanies an ace and the pats on the back accorded him by those who witnessed the shot.
Lakatzis recorded his dream shot at Quinnatisset Country Club on the par-3, 13th hole, which was playing 108 yards.  He hit the perfect shot using his trusty 7-iron.  Lakatzis, who’s been a member at Quinny for a “long time,” was playing with Bill Salvas, Louie Barasso and Bruce Woodis.
“The screams of my playing partners from the enjoyment after seeing the ball falling in the cup were heard by other golfers on the 12th and 14th fairways,” said Lakatzis.  To celebrate his hole-in-one, Latkatzis and his golfing friends enjoyed some food and beverages and many laughs and teasing after playing 18-holes on Labor Day.
In reality this was Lakatzis’ second career hole-in-one.  His first ace came on the same hole many years ago when he was the owner of the popular George’s Galley in Danielson.  The reason it was never recognized was because he was playing by himself and didn’t have any witnesses to verify the shot.
“I was very disappointed at the time but the course was nice to me and gave one back,” notes Lakatzis.  It’s great to have witnesses.  RPC sends along congratulations.
Basketball Hotbed
The school year is just beginning but at Putnam Science Academy the ringing of the school bell means that basketball mania is already in the air.  Beginning in September college basketball coaches enjoy what is called “live period.”  This is a time when coaches can visit high school and prep school campuses and get a glimpse of prospects without violating NCAA regulations.
According to PSA basketball coach Tom Espinosa, the Mustangs gym was filled with college coaches on Wednesday, September 9.  Representatives of 15 colleges were in the bandbox gym on Maple Street to watch the 2015-2016 players workout.
Among the schools present were the University of Kentucky, Georgia Tech, Georgetown, Providence College, Kansas State, St. Bonaventure, Marist, Rutgers, University of Massachusetts, Rider College, Iona, Sacred Heart University, Bryant and New Haven.  Most notably was the presence of coach Kevin Ollie and his assistant coach Glenn Miller of the UConn Huskies.
RPC’s Closing Thought For The Day: “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”  William Arthur Ward
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