Flexer pg 12 10-15-15

Flexer gets
perfect score
KILLINGLY — State Senator Mae Flexer (D- Killingly) achieved a perfect score of 100 on the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTCLV) 2015 Environmental Scorecard, which was just released this week.
This year’s perfect 100 score matches Sen. Flexer’s perfect 100 score last year in the state House of Representatives; her lifetime legislative score on environmental issues is an A+.
“Every opportunity I have to protect open space, maintain clean air and water, reduce the amount of pesticides we are spreading on public property or increase the use of renewable energy, I am going to take advantage of that, because these are policies that my constituents value and which make Connecticut a great place to live and raise a family,” Flexer said. “I want to thank the CTCLV for its unflagging commitment to protecting Connecticut’s natural beauty for generations to come.”
“To enact good environmental laws, we need good people at the state legislature to fight for us,” said CTLCV Executive Director Lori Brown. “This year’s scorecard shows some great wins, and we owe thanks to our champions in both chambers.” 
This year, the scorecard includes 30 separate votes on 16 bills. Votes are counted in committees and in the House and Senate chambers. Environmental successes in the legislature counted by the CTLCV include:
Connecticut will have the strongest laws in the nation regulating plastic microbeads in cosmetics which are detrimental to aquatic life.
The ban on pesticides will be extended to municipal playgrounds and allow a new nontoxic control for grubs. 
Towns and land trusts now only need contribute 10 percent to qualify for a matching state or federal open space grant , which makes it easier to preserve more state land
State-backed financing to help up to 40,000 homeowners add solar power to their homes.
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