First pg 11 12-3-15

First-time robotics team
scores well in tourney
PUTNAM — Two teams from the Putnam Middle School competed in the FIRST LEGO League Robotics competition Nov. 21 in Tolland and placed 12th and 18th out of 24 competition teams.
Sixteen students, led by teachers Angeline Kwasny and Susan Donnel, represented Putnam Middle School in this competition.  
These were very respectable finishes for a first-year robotics teams at the competition.    Putnam Middle School students demonstrated a high level of collaboration and dedication in preparing for the competition.
The multi-part competition required students to research and develop a project to identify a problem with the way we make or handle trash, design an innovative solution to the problem selected, and present the problem and solution to others.  Teams also participated in Robot Games throughout the day-long event during which they had to complete various missions.
Superintendent William Hull said, “This is  a  just another example of our schools preparing students with 21 century skills with fun personalized learning.”
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