supporting pg 1 3-24-22

WOODSTOCK — The Woodstock Academy is actively working with global educational partners to welcome students from Ukraine who have been displaced due to the war. The first student arrived March 21, with a total of five to seven students expected to join The Academy family.
“Like many, we are watching what is happening in Ukraine and we are concerned for the families and citizens who are under attack and are currently being displaced. Also, like many, we are asking ourselves what we can do to support the people of Ukraine,” said Assistant Head of School for Enrollment Amy Favreau.
Preparations include working on logistics for international study, equipping the boarding environment, and tailoring to specific educational and medical needs for each student. Tuition, room, and board will be provided free of charge for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year.
“This work is truly in line with our mission statement and who we are as an institution,” said Chris Sandford, head of school.
To help support this mission, and welcome more students in need, The Woodstock Academy is seeking financial support from its community partners. To discuss financial support or other ways to help, please contact Associate Head of School for Advancement Jonathan Sturdevant at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call (860) 928-6575 ext. 1211.


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