4-h pg 3 4-21-22

Award Winners
At left: Maureen Nicholson, Pomfret's First Selectwoman and, at right: Dr. Kristen Xeller, each won a Community Service Award from the 4-H. Shown with each is 4-H Camp Director Heather Logee. Courtesy photos.

Two local women received Community Spirit Awards from the Windham County 4-H Foundation.
Maureen Nicholson and Kristen Xeller have been camp supporters not just this past year, but for many years, the foundation’s board said.
Xeller is a former camper and current camper parent and has been the camp doctor for five years.  During the two years of the pandemic she helped to create and was consulted on all healthcare protocols and testing plans.  She spent a lot of time on the phone and reviewing documents this past spring and summer with the camp director.  In addition she continued to keep the camp health services running smoothly and ensuring that everyone is professionally cared for.
Nicholson has served as first selectman for almost seven years.  She is a former camper parent and is a familiar face at many camp events, supporting the auctions, take-out meals programs and was the first to rent the lodge after its renovation.  When the state Department of Energy and Environmental protection determined the Taft Pond Rd bridge needed repair, she was able to find funding to fix it rather than close it and made it happen before camp opened.  
When the road washed out by horse camp, she was there immediately to look at the damage, notified Department of Transportation to close the road and was back early the next morning with sandwich board signs to direct people to camp that needed to get there that day.


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