memorial pg 3 5-26-22

Memorial Day parade, program set
PUTNAM — The town’s Memorial Day observance will take place starting with a parade stepping off from Grove Street at 10 a.m. and ending with a memorial program at Rotary Park.  In case of inclement weather, notification will be on WINY 1350 AM the morning of the parade.
The parade will feature a lineup of marchers which will include town officials, a National Guard Unit, local veteran’s groups, VFW and American Legion Poppy queens, several civic and fraternal organizations and youth groups.
The 2022 American Legion and VFW Poppy Queen is Putnam High School senior Amayah Chavez. Patriotic music will be provided by local bands. The parade marshal will be Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Michael Therrien, a  Desert Storm veteran who served four years in Iraq at Balad Air Force Base.
To accommodate older and disabled veterans who wish to be in the parade, transportation will be available by calling parade Chairman Buster Corey at (860) 382-6711.
Following the parade, a speaking ceremony will take place in Rotary Park.  The keynote address will be given by Vietnam veteran Richard Tremblay, U.S. Marine Corps.
The program will be led by Master of Ceremonies Lieutenant Commander U.S. Navy (retired) Roy Simmons. The VFW chaplain Tod Smith will be announcing the remembrance of deceased soldiers in the State of Connecticut during duty in 2021.
Following the ceremony, the VFW and American Legion will host a free picnic in Rotary Park. Refreshments include hot dogs, chips, and drinks for as long as they last. Chips are provided by Frito-Lay, Dayville.
Earlier in the week, local Veterans will place American flags at the graves of veterans interred in the St. Mary, Grove Street, Nancy Drive, Munyan Road, and Rt. 21 cemeteries. The flags will remain until Veterans Day in November.
The traditional wreath laying and military tributes at Putnam cemeteries, bridges and monuments will be conducted by a National Guard firing squad plus officers and color guards from the American Legion and VFW starting at 10 a.m. Sunday, May 29. The Putnam Police Department is providing security and escort services for all Memorial Day observance activities.
Any questions, please contact Buster Corey at (860) 382-6711.


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