more memorial day p 8 6-2-22

More Memorial Day

Clockwise from top left:

Pomfret - Linda Lemmon photo

Mason Amaral, 4, of Putnam with a patriotic ride of his own at the Putnam Memorial Day Parade lineup on Grove Street. Linda Lemmon photo.

The Putnam Leos waiting for the Putnam Memorial Day Parade to begin. Linda Lemmon photo.

Laura Thomas, 5, of Putnam in Rotary Park. Linda Lemmon photo

Sax band member at the Pomfret parade. Linda Lemmon photo

Pomfret 1st Selectman Maureen Nicholson - Jan Rondeau photo

State Rep. Pat Boyd in Pomfret - Linda Lemmon photo

Center: Boy Scout Troop 25 in Rotary Park. Linda Lemmon photo.

Putnam Fire Department firefighters and officers. Linda Lemmon photo.


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