interact pg 5 6-9-22

Putnam Rotary Club’s Interact Club members, left, sold their tie-dyed socks to raise money at the Relay For Life. From left: Leo Rocchetti, advisor Roberta Rocchetti and Christine Denakes and (front) Adisyn Makara. On the right, the Putnam Rotary Club’s Quinebaug Valley Regional Rotaract Club ran the basket raffle fund-raiser table at the Relay For Life June 4. There were so many baskets they didn’t all fit on two large tables. Linda Lemmon photos.

The Putnam Rotary Club’s Interact Club raised a record breaking $10,008 for this year’s Northeastern CT Relay For Life through daffodil sales, donations and sponsorships.
Interact advisor Roberta Rocchetti said last year they raised $3,500.
June 4 the Interact members and friends sold a total 33 pairs of their famous tie-dyed socks for a total of $102. In attendance were Sierra Girard (QMC), Lucas Cornell (Ellis Tech), Emily St. Martin, Amayah Chavez (PHS), Mikayla Walford (Putnam), Christine Denaker, Adisyn Makara (Dayville), Leo Rocchetti (Stafford Springs), Roberta Rocchetti (advisor).
Meanwhile the Putnam Rotary Club’s Quinebaug Valley Regional Rotaract Club manned the Relay For Life Raffle Tent and sold more than $600 in tickets. Helping at the tent were: Tayler Shea, Andrew Arpin, Haylee Olsen, Shannon Fagan and Woody and Dottie Durst from the Putnam Rotary Club.


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