putnam rotary pg 3 7-7-22

Putnam Rotary Club Begins a New Year
At the Putnam Rotary Club’s 99th induction ceremony June 28 the president's gavel was passed from J. Scott Pempek to Missy Meyers. Meyers, center, holding the banner, said her plans for the upcoming year include more community outreach and volunteerism, targeted efforts around housing insecurity and plans for the club’s 100th anniversary. The officers for the 2022-2023 Rotary year include: President - Missy Meyers; President Elect – Amanda Kelly; Vice President – Elizabeth Williams; Secretary – Kathy Kirk; Treasurer – Frederick Chmura. Sergeants-at-arms include: Jonathan Tremblay, Jonathan Sturdevant, Chris Vaillencourt and Jake Dykeman. The Board of Directors includes: Immediate Past President – J. Scott Pempek; Steve Adams; Jennifer Ricci; Crystal Simonson and Kristen Willis. Photo courtesy of Laura Crosetti.


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