legals pg 2 11-17-22

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
December 5, 2022
The Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing at the Town of Putnam Municipal Complex, 200 School Street, Conference Room # 109, Putnam, CT, on Monday, December 5, 2022, at 6:30 in the evening, also via Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting  
Meeting ID: 849 1484 2998  +1 646 558 8656 US   for the following purpose:
To hear public comment regarding:
1. Proposed purchase of a portion of the property located at 49 Front Street.
Nov. 17, 2022
Nov. 23, 2022

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Notice of Special Town Meeting
December 5, 2022
The Electors and Citizens qualified to vote in Special Town Meeting of the Town of Putnam, Connecticut, are hereby notified and warned that a Special Town Meeting of said Town will be held at the Putnam Municipal Complex, Conference Room 109, 200 School St. Putnam on Monday, December 5, 2022, at 7:00 PM, and also on Zoom, Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 7374 4769
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York) for the following purposes:
1. To choose a moderator for said meeting.
2. To determine the wishes of those present and eligible to vote at town meetings of the Town of Putnam regarding the proposed purchase of a portion of the property located at 49 Front Street, Putnam. Information regarding the proposed purchase is on file in the office of the Mayor and Town Clerk and available for inspection during normal business hours.
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut
this 10th day of November, 2022.
Town of Putnam,
Its Board of Selectmen
Norman B. Seney,  Mayor
Roy J. Simmons,  Deputy Mayor
Rick Hayes,  Selectman
Gloria Marion, Selectwoman
Michael Paquin, Selectman
J. Scott Pempek, Selectman
Jeffrey Rawson, Selectman
Christine Bright,
Town Clerk
Nov. 17, 2022
Nov. 23, 2022


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