wreaths pg 3 12-15-22

'Wreaths Across
America' Dec. 17
PUTNAM — At noon, Dec. 17, the “Wreaths Across America” ceremony will take place at the Veterans Memorial Park.
The community of Putnam along with towns throughout America will pause for a minute of silence in tribute and remembrance to the fallen, the Prisoners of War, the Missing in Action and to honor those who have served and are serving this great nation’s Armed Services. The ceremony is coordinated by the Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 and the Albert J. Breault VFW Post #1523. It’s open to all.
Following the minute of silence at exactly noon, the program will open with remarks from Michael Rocchetti, Senior Vice Commander of American legion Post #13, and the singing of the National Anthem by Army National Guard Specialist, American Legion Post #13 member, Emily Lajoie. In the presence of the combined Honor Guards of the American Legion Post #13 and VFW Post #1523, wreaths will be laid in memory of those who served and are serving in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines. An individual wreath will be laid in remembrance of the 93,129 service personnel from all branches whose last known status was either Prisoner of War or Missing in Action.
Reflections will be offered by the Putnam mayor, Post #13 member; VFW Post #1523 Commander, Hans Lowell; and American Legion Post #13 and District 4 Past Commander Ronald P. Coderre
The reflections will be followed by the tossing of a remembrance wreath into the Quinebaug River by Rocchetti and Lowell. The ceremonial wreath tossing will be followed by a Rifle Volley and Taps performed by Tyler Eddy.
After the closing of the ceremony, the Honor Guard will disburse to local cemeteries and bridges where they will honor veterans by placing wreaths at each location.
The program is coordinated by the two service organizations in cooperation with Town of Putnam’s Recreation Department.


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