Remembering pg 1 12-22-22

captions, page 4:

From left: Tyler Eddy plays Taps. Photo courtesy of Robert C. Garceau. Marine Connor Vassar, left, and his father Legion  Commander Michael S. Vassar lay a wreath at the grave site of Father Anselm Mayotte, for whom Post #13 is named in honor and memory of. Commander Vassar, right and VFW Acting Commander Rob Challinor prepare to toss symbolic wreath into the Quinebaug. Courtesy photos.

in moving
The Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 of Putnam, in collaboration with the VFW Post #1523 and the Putnam Lodge of Elks Veterans Committee with the support of the Putnam Recreation Department, conducted its 14th Wreaths Across America ceremony Dec. 17.
A chair with a ‘black cover’ was located in the front of the audience in memory of the late Doug Cutler, former town administrator who was instrumental in the early years of the ceremony.
Despite windy and chilly conditions, one of the largest crowds in recent memory attended the event, which was held a Veterans Memorial Park.  The program opened with the presentation of the colors by the combined American Legion and VFW color guard under the direction of Post #13 Commander and U.S. Marine Corps veteran Michael S. Vassar.  Members of the color guard included Frank Tremont, Chas MacKenzie, Curt Prochowski, Christopher Steinbrick, Walter LaRochelle, and David Butler.
U.S. Air Force veteran and Post #13 Chaplain Pierre Desilets offered the invocation, which was followed by the singing of the National Anthem by Army National Guard Specialist and Post #13 member Emily Lajoie.
The center piece of the ceremony was the laying of the wreaths in honor of veterans of all the military branches and in memory of POW/MIA men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the cause of freedom.  Laying the wreaths were Walter Napierata, Army; William Schmidt, Marines; Donald U. Laperle, Navy; Donald R. Laperle, Air Force; Thomas Lajoie, Coast Guard; Robert Garceau, Merchant Marines; Roger C. Franklin, Space Force; and active-Duty United States Marine Connor Vassar, POW/MIA.  Vassar, who enlisted on Aug. 9, is home on leave assisting the local Marine Corps office with recruiting duties.
A ceremonial wreath was tossed into the Quinebaug River by Post #13 Commander Michael S. Vassar and VFW Post #1523 Acting Commander Robert Challinor.  The VFW firing squad, composed of Jonathan Drew, Fred Veltheim and Raymond Beausoleil presented the rifle volley, followed by the playing of Taps by Tyler Eddy.
In the opening remarks, Past Post #13 and Past District #4 Commander Ronald P. Coderre reminded those present of the purpose of Wreaths Across America, which is to Remember the individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country; Honor those who served and are currently serving; and Educate the young people of our community on the value of freedom.
Coderre closed the ceremony with words of remembrance on the meaning of freedom.
“The freedoms we enjoy today are possible thanks to the men and women who served and those who are currently serving, especially those who gave their lives under the red, white and blue of Old Glory,” he said.  
“Today less than 1 percent of the population of the United States protects the remaining 99 percent.  We need to stand together as our Pledge of Allegiance states, as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” he added.
Welcome and greetings of the Town of Putnam were presented by Post #13 member and Deputy Mayor Roy Simmons, who served 28 years in the Navy.  Also, on hand for the ceremony, were 51st Assembly District State Representative and member of the Board of Selectman Rick L. Hayes, Selectman Michael Paquin and Putnam Police Chief Chris Ferace.
Following the ceremony, the delegation of veterans disbursed to lay wreaths at four bridges, five cemeteries and the Grove Street Monument.


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