because pg 2 1-5-23

I am not a fan of contradictory statements and actions. For example, someone may say that they don’t like red, while they are wearing a red sweater. Another person may complain that they are not getting promoted at work, while pretending to be sick and taking the day off. It’s not that I think it’s wrong to not like red or to feign sickness for a day off from work, but I am, for better or worse, a literal person and I find these types of contradictory statements/actions, simply stated, confusing.
I completely acknowledge that there can be complexities and context behind these contradictory statements/actions that I do not fully understand… But, if someone says they don’t like red and then they are wearing something red, I become really confused in trying to figure out these complexities.
Perhaps, (I think) they don’t like candy apple red but they like barn red (the color of their sweater)? Or, (I think) maybe they meant to say orange and red just popped out of their mouth? I think that there must be some sort of explanation that I am not fully understanding because it makes no sense to say you don’t like red WHILE wearing a red sweater.
After watching all six parts of the recent Netflix series on the “Royals” who left the Royal family, I was left with this same type of contradictory statement/action confusion. (I think) the point of the series was to justify the actions of leaving the Royal family, but I cannot say that, after finally dragging through to the last episode that (I think) was the point. This is because (I think) I understood the messaging to be something like we wanted the press to leave us alone and they wouldn’t and so we left. That was the statement (I think?) but the action was completely contradictory as they were publicly talking about and showing their private life, inclusive of the pet/personal names they call one another. Huh? I was confused and kept trying to figure it out thinking that surely Episode 4 or 5 would help with my confusion to the contradictory statements of BASHING the press and action of accepting $100 million to expose their personal life TO the press.
And when Episode 6 only further substantiated my confusion, I was left to consider that, perhaps, I was misinterpreting what I thought was their reason for leaving the family and I should keep trying to figure it out … And that’s when it hit me! I realized that they didn’t leave the Royal family because the press wouldn’t leave them alone. Rather, they left the Royal family because they didn’t like that the press said mean things about them, and that the Royal family didn’t then fix it for them (I think?) Because you can’t SAY you don’t like red when you are WEARING red! In my mind, it’s as simple as that.
Contradiction! Contradiction!
Kathy Naumann, possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can’t control everything!


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