it pg 1 2-16-23

It's building season in
Rotary Park
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — The three-pronged improvement plan set for Rotary Park is already underway with the first project, a new roof for the bandstand.
Parks and Recreation Director Willie Bousquet said the bandstand roof has been planned for a while. The contractor selected for the job, Commercial Roofing, had late-arriving materials and uncooperative weather standing in the way of it getting done last year.
The cost is approximately $65,000. Last year Bousquet said it would be paid for out of the capital expenses budget.
It is the original roof, nearly 20 years old. Bousquet said the integrity of the plywood base is solid.
It will be replaced with a metal roof, Bousquet said, “Because we’ve switched to a metal roof, we should not have to replace it for a long, long time.”
Following that, the next project to be tackled will probably be the installation of a fence and screening around the Port-a-Johns at the end of the park near the Bridge Street-Kennedy Drive intersection. Bousquet said he anticipates that will happen between mid- and late April
The town and the Putnam Rotary Club are splitting the cost.
Bousquet said the Highway Department will dig and then place forms for a concrete base for the Port-a-Johns. The contractor who handles the Port-a-Johns also does concrete work and he will pour the pad. The concrete will have a “brush sweep” finish so it’s not slippery.
The town has already ordered, from Killingly Fence, the black chain link fencing that will surround three sides of the concrete area. Vinyl screening material will be attached to the fencing. A sign touting all the events for the park will be attached to the screen that faces Kennedy Drive.
And finally the bandstand will be painted. Bousquet said he already lined up a contractor for that and it will be painted the same color. Painting is likely to happen around April or May.
Naturally the projects are weather-dependent.


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