interact pg 4 2-16-23

Fund-raising Ice Sculptors
The Putnam Rotary Club’s Interact Club took part in Putnam’s Fire and Ice extravaganza and raised $225 for Ukraine Relief with their skills. From left: Adviser Roberta Rocchetti, Kaylin and Talia Tremblay, Mikayla Walford and Iayah Burke. Courtesy photo.

Interact Club raises funds for Ukraine relief
The Putnam Rotary Club’s Interact Club was carving at the Fire and Ice festival in Putnam.
Roberta Rocchetti, Putnam Rotarian and club adviser, said Interact President Emily St. Martin, this year, chose to raise money for the Rotary International Ukraine Relief Fund.
The club members raised $225 while carving the Rotary Wheel out of a 40" x 20" x 10" block of ice.
Rocchetti thanked Kaylin and Talia Tremblay, Mikayla Walford, Iayah Burke, Eoin and Caitlin Mercer, Alexis Phav, Jennifer Eilts, co-adviser Wayne “Woody” Durst.
For more information about the Putnam Rotary Club’s Interact Club contact Rocchetti at  860-933-8603 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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