fish pg 4 5-4-23

Going fishing ...
Rotary style for nearly half a century
The Putnam Rotary Club is celebrating, this year, its 100th anniversary. And one of its more popular events is the Noe Poulin Youth Fishing Derby, started almost 50 years ago.
The derby is May 13 at the Putnam Rotary Park. Free registration begins at 8 a.m. and the event ends at noon. There are four age groups: 5 and younger, 6-9, 10-12 and 13-15.
Prizes for the young participants will be awarded in several categories including: biggest fish, smallest fish, most caught, youngest fisherperson and most unique fish. There will be games, snacks, beverages, drawings. It is a catch-and-release derby.
Fishing is a skill, and Putnam is a fun place to start.  Good anglers learn to read the water, to choose the right lure, to share the ponds and streams, keep an eye on weather and outside conditions, each other and to treat the outdoors with respect. ….as well as how to brag, according to committee member Woody Durst.
The state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection website’s interactive map shows two spots near the park were stocked March 29. By May 13, fish will have dispersed widely from those two points, ready to be caught.
Durst said: “Our river, in its past, was industrial and gave us its hard-working years. It may now be giving Putnam and surrounding towns its most enjoyable years. Be outside and be part of the fun.”


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