american pg 3 6-29-23


Left photo, from the left: Richard Linnon, Michael Rocchetti, Michael Vassar. Above, from left: Christopher Steinbrick, Tina Lajoie, Charles Mackenzie, Pierre Desilets, Robert Garceau, Frank Tremont, Michael Rocchetti. Courtesy photo.

PUTNAM — The Mayotte-Viens Post 13 American Legion of Putnam recently held its Awards Banquet and installation ceremony for the incoming slate of officers.
Frank Tremont received Post 13’s Legionnaire of the Year Award. The Putnam Rotary Club’s Missy Meyers received a Community Service Award. Ron Coderre received the American Legion’s Bronze Service Medal. Curt Prochowski received an Americanism Award. Barbara Smith was presented with a flag display case. Also recognized were scholarship recipients Emily St Martin and Gwen Weiker.
The Master of Ceremonies was Past Commander Ronald Coderre and the ceremony was presided over by Richard Linnon, the State Commander, and his Sergeant-at-Arms William Gibbs. Other dignitaries included John Barry, the commander of American Legion District 4. Outgoing Post 13 Commander Michael Vassar passed the gavel to the new incoming Post 13 Commander Michael Rocchetti whose focus will be comradeship, mutual support, and community service.
The new officers sworn in include: Post Commander Michael Rocchetti, Senior Vice Commander Christopher Steinbrick, Junior Vice Commander Tina Lajoie, Finance Officer Charles Mackenzie, Historian Robert Garceau, Chaplain Pierre Desilets, and Sergeant-at-Arms Frank Tremont.
The American Legion is the nation’s largest veteran’s organization. Founded in 1919, it stands on four pillars - veteran’s affairs & rehabilitation, national security, Americanism, and children & youth programs. The Mayotte-Viens Post 13 has been active in Putnam since 1919.


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