playscape pg 1 7-6-23


More Smiles
Elisabeth Fortin got to keep the bow after she was chosen to cut the ribbon on Putnam's Playscape at the Municipal Complex. Linda Lemmon photos.

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — It took a while but the playscape behind the library at the Municipal Complex, finally became “official” with a ribbon-cutting welcome to town last week.
Karen Osbrey, chair of the Municipal Complex building committee, said the playscape was always on the committee’s wish list. When late projects and punch-list projects were done, there was enough money to move the playscape project from the wish list to the done list. “If there was extra money, we’d put in a playscape."
Town Administrator Elaine Sistare said the playscape cost about $180,000. It was ordered last June and it took six months to come in. Assembly had to wait for the spring. “We had to wait for the construction season,” Sistare said. She added that they had also talked about additional landscaping but it wasn’t needed.
Mayor Barney Seney, credited “three strong ladies,” Library Director Priscilla Colwell, Osbrey and Sistare with making it possible.
Osbrey thanked the building committee. “They had a vision for the town and made it happen,” she said, adding that it went beyond the committee, with all the townspeople support. “It really does take a village.”
Colwell said they whole project started in 2012. She credited the townspeople “I’m so glad you voted for this. This is so good for our future.”
Each child had their name in a basket to be the one to cut the “Putnam Blue” ribbon. Osbrey drew the name. Elisabeth Fortin, 8, of Sterling, was the lucky winner.


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