wba pg 5 12-7-23

PUTNAM — This fall, Woodstock Building Associates, LLC, finished a restoration project in Putnam, turning a historic building into a large, airy carpentry workshop for the benefit of their clients, their tradespeople and the neighborhood. Woodstock Building Associates completely renovated the property for its needs while maintaining original structural features and some architectural details.
Originally built in 1938, the building has had several uses over its 85-year existence. In the 1940s, it was home to Kelly Tire before they moved to their current School Street location. Union Textile and Engraving used the space for manufacturing in the 1950s. After the Flood of 1955, the lower level was used by a local car dealer for storage until their new building was completed on Pomfret Street.
Most locals will remember the building as the Putnam Candy Company.  
The renovated space at 60 Woodstock Avenue features 2,600sf on the main floor plus a full lower level for storage. The wide open floor plan has work benches along either side and wooden racks at the back for trim storage. WBA Managing Partner Doug Porter said that while they completely renovated the building—fully abating asbestos and updating all mechanicals including electric, heat and plumbing—they also retained some original features, including beautiful wood flooring, doors and hardware. They even saved metal racks once used for candy to be used for lumber storage in the basement. “We tried to maintain the character of the building, but it should be good for the next 30 years,” he said.
The large, open space is ideal for making and finishing trim work and cabinetry. “We wanted a place to work so we don’t interfere with clients in their houses,” said Porter. “We can fabricate everything here and bring to clients’ homes so we don’t interrupt their day-to-day lives.” The building’s original 5 x 8 foot front door is wide enough for deliveries and will be ideal for WBA to move cabinetry in and out. The lower level is perfect for storing cabinetry, plumbing supplies or other large items if a building site is not ready for installation.


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