dempsey pg 3 12-28-23


New Book
From left: Nichole Nichols, Father Dempsey, Kathy Zamagni. Aspinock Historical Society photo.

PUTNAM — Father Ed Dempsey recently gave a talk on his new book, “Remembering John Noel Dempsey: A Man Who Did Good”
At a talk hosted by the Putnam Public Library recently Father Dempsey said: “At a time when governors have been sent to jail, presidents have been impeached, and legislatures seem dedicated to gridlock, and adherence to blind partisanship trumps all else, it’s not hard to fathom why American people have become skeptical about politicians and cynical about the entire political process and downright disgusted at what is seen to be governmental shenanigans. It may come, then, as comfort to some and dubious to others to read about a politician who has been dubbed “the genuine article,” a man who personified the adage “what you see is what you get,” a person who believed that life was about giving and not about getting. That’s the kind of man I grew up knowing, the kind of politician, who would no longer fit the current mold, the person I am honored to call “my father.”


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