lap pg 5 9-19-24


And they're off! Photo courtesy of Ginger Photography.

Lap the Lake
fund-raiser nets
DAYVILLE — Northeast Opportunities for Wellness (NOW) raised $36,000 in net profit after a highly successful Lap the Lake 5k around Alexanders Lake.
More than 300 took part in the 5k. The Kids Fun Run saw 46 participants.
The 12th annual event winners were Ben Young of Woodstock and Linda Spooner of Sturbridge.
NOW Director Tayler Sazhin said this was the biggest Lap the Lake event ever.
She said: “We are so humbled each year at our Lap the Lake 5k around Alexanders Lake. This is our major fund-raising event for the year, without the unwavering support from the Alexander Lake Homeowner Association, Dayville Fire Company, our generous sponsors, vendors, and community participants, this event would not be possible. The funds from this event support our free youth programs and our “We Pay. You Play.” Youth Sports Scholarship. Annually, NOW serves more than 5,000 children and families, providing opportunities for youth social, emotional, and physical wellness across northeastern Connecticut.”
She added: “This year, Lap the Lake exceeded all of our expectations with over 100 participants more than we had in 2023. I would also like to thank Jay Long, the chair of the NOW Road Race Committee, and our entire group of volunteers who made this event possible.”
For full results:


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