Putnam pg 11 1-31-13

By Ron P. Coderre
Moe Cloutier – The name conjures up so many memories and positive images.
Maurice J. “Moe” Cloutier, my high school French and Latin teacher, died Jan. 20, 2013, at the age of 82.  When I read the obituary it seemed unbelievable that he would no longer be with us and equally amazing that the first year I met Mr. Cloutier was 1956 when I entered his French I and Latin II classes at Putnam High School.
After going through all the foolish chicanery that sophomoric students put their teachers through, I quickly came to realize what a learned, intellectual man he was.  I also realized that he understood we were teenage students who acted immaturely at times.  But most of all I understood what a marvelous teacher he was when I arrived in college and landed grades of A in my Latin and French classes. Merci, Monsieur Cloutier. Cloutier was a graduate of Assumption Prep and Assumption College, another fact that endeared me to this man, as I would eventually be able to say that we both graduated from the same college.  Eventually we began to relate to each other as adults, going to games at Assumption and seeing each other at Sunday Mass.  One of my fondest memories involves the day I received an award from Assumption and Moe Cloutier was on hand for the ceremony because his class was having a reunion.  It was an honor to have a former teacher in attendance. Although I don’t know about any of his athletic accomplishments, if he even had any, but I do know that he was always on hand to support all the Putnam Clipper sports teams.  Going to Clipper basketball games, fans were greeted for many years by Moe Cloutier, who was selling tickets at the door and then rooting for the kids on the floor who were his students in the classroom. During the days of the former Quinebaug Valley Conference Moe and his partner, Joe Collison, could be counted on to be at the door selling tickets.  They were like clockwork, holding down their post for years.
As a husband, father, grandfather and all around family man he was as loyal and dedicated as they come.  He never failed to attend family events especially if it involved sporting events when his sons or grandsons were on the field.  A deeply religious person, Moe was also involved with his church, St. Mary of the Visitation in Putnam.
He leaves his wife of 57 years, Pauline and his four children.  He also leaves many friends, fellow teachers and students who admired the man who was serious in his teaching endeavors and relaxed as a friend.  I’ll always have memories of his blue 1951 Pontiac — or was it a Buick — in the teacher’s parking lot.  And every time I hear or see the Latin words amo, amas, amat, I’ll have fond memories of my friend and teacher “Moe” Cloutier.  Bon soir, Monsieur Cloutier.

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