Lions pg 11 2-7-13

By Ron P. Coderre
There won’t be any California sun, pristine sparkling white sand or bikini clad players at the 14th Putnam Lions Volleyball Challenge.  But what you’ll find are men and women playing their hearts out to support the charitable efforts of the Putnam Lions Foundation, while enjoying fun and friendship..
According to tournament organizer and veteran member of the Lions Club Bernie Gilbert, the 2013 Challenge is scheduled for March 16 and 17 on the campus of Pomfret School.  
Once again the tourney will feature A and B Divisions.  
The A and B Divisions for competitive players will take place on March 16 with the Corporate, ”No Spiking” Division scheduled for March 17, featuring corporate teams vying for the prestigious “traveling trophy.”  
The A and B Divisions play for a $250 first place prize in each division and $150 for second place finishers.
“When we initiated this event 14 years ago we never envisioned the popularity of the Challenge.  We have many returning teams and players each year but we’re always interested in adding newcomers,” said Gilbert.
The co-ed Challenge requires teams to have a minimum of three female players on the court at all times.  
Team entry fees are the same as they’ve been in the past at $350, which can be paid by a sponsor or through pledges raised by members of a team.  
All players will receive a T-shirt with tournament sponsors on the back.  Players are urged to bring in pledges for incentive prizes.
Players collecting $300 in pledges will have a choice of a $100 restaurant gift certificate, a personal DVD player or other items to be determined.  
Anyone securing $150 in pledges will receive a $50 restaurant certificate and $75 in pledges gets a player a $25 restaurant gift certificate.  
“The Volleyball Challenge is our biggest fund-raiser.  Each year our club distributes approximately $25,000 to local worthy non-profit organizations to assist them in sustaining their programs.  We’re very proud of the role we play in our community,” said Lions President Steve Faucher.
Businesses or organizations interested in assisting may do so through a variety of sponsorship levels.  Platinum Sponsorship is rated at $750; Gold $500; Silver $350 (with team entry); Silver $250 (no team entry); Bronze $150; and Net $50.  All sponsors regardless of level will be recognized in post-tournament thank you advertising.
Any group, business or individual seeking more information should contact Gilbert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone 860 928-9682.

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