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Southbridge Savings Bank recently pledged funding for The Last Green Valley, Inc. Left to right: Ron Cooper, assistant vice president, Commercial Lending Southbridge Savings; Charlene Cutler, TLGV executive director and CEO; and Tom Dufresne, chief technology officer Southbridge Savings and TLGV Board Member. Courtesy photo.

DANIELSON — Southbridge Savings Bank has pledged $15,000 over the next three years to The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) in support of its annual appeal.  Southbridge Savings Bank is a community-oriented local bank that has been in business since 1848 and is committed to providing superior personalized service.
“We are proud to be an annual supporter of The Last Green Valley, Inc. for more than 10 years,” said Philip Pettinelli, president of Southbridge Savings Bank, “We look forward to continuing this partnership and encourage more organizations to support the vital work of TLGV, Inc. and ensure its programs thrive.”
TLGV launched its annual appeal in October with a goal of $400,000 this year. “We are grateful to Southbridge Savings Bank for their unwavering support of TLGV’s work,“ said Charlene Cutler, TLGV executive director and CEO.   “It is with the help of such long-term partnerships that TLGV will become self-sustaining when our federal funding ceases in 2015.”

The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C.  It includes 9 towns in Massachusetts and 26 in Connecticut.  A dynamic nonprofit organization, TLGV is a steward of that special place, working to celebrate our heritage, conserve our natural resources and respect our working lands.

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