Academy pg 11 2-21-13

WOODSTOCK — Woodstock Academy senior Cody Maiorino, wrestler, and junior gymnastics star Courtney Osborne were named the Sweet Evalina’s Athlete of the Week.
Maiorino had an amazing tournament at the Woodstock Academy Invitational Tournament. Not only was he a leader in the logistics of helping run the tournament from set-up to clean-up, but he had the best wrestling match of his career. He came in second out of 10 teams and his only loss came in the final seconds in the championship match. In order to get to the finals Cody had to go through some very tough competitors including the #1 seed. Hey had lost to that opponent earlier in the year so that was a huge victory for him and that semi-final match was one of the best matches of the day. It was a closely contested match and he pulled out the victory in the third period. In the championship match Maiorino had a lead going into the final period, but he ran out of gas just at the end. Cody has a record of 19 and 13 this year with 8 pins.
With Woodstock Academy’s gymnastics team being bitten by the injury bug they needed gymnasts to step-up their performance and that is exactly what Courtney Osborne has done. Courtney has had an incredible run as of late winning the all-around in the last two meets. Against Stonington, Osborne placed first in the all- around and she also took the gold in the vault and floor. Her performance helped her team put up a score of 143.75 which was the Centaur’s third highest team score of the season. She followed up that impressive performance by once again winning the all-around in the Centaur’s meet against East Lyme. Courtney has been a key ingredient to Woodstock Academy’s success in gymnastics over the past two years so it is with pleasure that we announce that she has been chosen as Athlete of the Week.
Courtney Osborne is not only one of the best gymnasts for Woodstock Academy, but she is one of the best in the state of Connecticut.

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