she pg 1 1-5-23

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — She began her job in 2009. She retired Jan. 3, 2023.
And in between, she helped build Putnam — and northeast Connecticut.
Delpha Very began working for the town of Putnam, part time, in 2007 as a grants writer. When the town’s economic development director moved on to a job in Arkansas, she became Economic and Community Development director and Putnam Redevelopment Agency director.
She knows both sides having been, in Woodstock, a business owner and a former first selectman.
She said: “I have always been a true believer that ‘Economic Development has no borders’ and this has been an adage I use often. When any town welcomes any business into their community, their success overflows into neighboring towns through restaurants, retail, community engagement, events, night life activities, trail systems, and job creation.”
She added: “When trying recruit new business to our community, the first question they ask is ‘What incentives are you offering?’ and this is the opportunity to actually sell your community on its strengths, why they should seriously consider Putnam as their business home. More importantly, our mission is to assist and nurture the businesses we already have in our town in helping them sustain and grow where they are.”
She said her advice for small rural communities is “always have your eye on the prize and to make sure that we forever believe that ‘change is good’ in keeping up with the trends of change so we continue to be in the forefront of what is coming and be prepared for it.”
The new director is Carly DeLuca.
She’s been busy.
She counts as some of her accomplishments: “Infrastructure developments…Farmers Market Pavilion, Phase I and II additions to the River Trail, Regional YMCA, StoryWalk, Community Garden, Historic Mill Redevelopment, Downtown Revitalization and 88 Main St Façade, Parking and Buildout Studies, Design Guidelines Development, Wayfinding Implementation, Implementation of the 1st Blight Ordinance, Palo Property Environmental Clean-up, and all properties have been sold in the original Industrial Park.” She has been active in the development of the high tech park off Kennedy Drive.
Asked what her proudest accomplishment is she said The Lofts at Cargill Falls Mill.
And the biggest challenge? Hands down the repercussions from the pandemic. “The greatest challenge during my tenure has clearly been the repercussions of the pandemic: businesses lost revenue; loss of core staff or entire staffing; lack of childcare options; forced shuttering; home schooling challenges; lost wages, etc. Unfortunately, we are still feeling the aftermath of the pandemic and need to plan for the changes that are a result. Nationally, my profession is asking the same questions…specifically, how do we redesign our buildings and empty spaces left from vacancies of office space and closed businesses? What will be needed for the future? Will vehicular patterns change with more people working from home? Is it best for career advancement to be working from home, or in a more ‘think-tank’ environment?”
She said that Putnam will continue to thrive if it continues to attract and recruit all sectors of businesses such as high tech, targeted manufacturing, retail. Diversity is tops. “Keeping a diverse portfolio.”
In addition Putnam has a vigorous — and diversified — downtown. Where once there were antique stores side by side by side, then empty buildings side by side by side, now downtown is” blessed with the cross-section of shops in our small footprint” including a yarn shop, toy store, two adorable boutiques, a home décor shop, comic book store, restaurants, art gallery, antique stores, gelato, bakeries, brewery, a community theater, design business, bars, banks, performing arts, pottery shop, hair dressers, and even, near Union Square, a museum — the Gertrude C. Warner Box Car Museum housed in an old rail car.
“Our downtown area alive with small retail shops, restaurants, and live music venues will keep people interested in being here.” The Putnam Business Association and Putnam Recreation Department draw thousands of people all year long with events.
She added: “Our business community has been one of our greatest supporters in making Putnam a strong and giving community, and for that, we are forever grateful.”


because pg 2 1-5-23

I am not a fan of contradictory statements and actions. For example, someone may say that they don’t like red, while they are wearing a red sweater. Another person may complain that they are not getting promoted at work, while pretending to be sick and taking the day off. It’s not that I think it’s wrong to not like red or to feign sickness for a day off from work, but I am, for better or worse, a literal person and I find these types of contradictory statements/actions, simply stated, confusing.
I completely acknowledge that there can be complexities and context behind these contradictory statements/actions that I do not fully understand… But, if someone says they don’t like red and then they are wearing something red, I become really confused in trying to figure out these complexities.
Perhaps, (I think) they don’t like candy apple red but they like barn red (the color of their sweater)? Or, (I think) maybe they meant to say orange and red just popped out of their mouth? I think that there must be some sort of explanation that I am not fully understanding because it makes no sense to say you don’t like red WHILE wearing a red sweater.
After watching all six parts of the recent Netflix series on the “Royals” who left the Royal family, I was left with this same type of contradictory statement/action confusion. (I think) the point of the series was to justify the actions of leaving the Royal family, but I cannot say that, after finally dragging through to the last episode that (I think) was the point. This is because (I think) I understood the messaging to be something like we wanted the press to leave us alone and they wouldn’t and so we left. That was the statement (I think?) but the action was completely contradictory as they were publicly talking about and showing their private life, inclusive of the pet/personal names they call one another. Huh? I was confused and kept trying to figure it out thinking that surely Episode 4 or 5 would help with my confusion to the contradictory statements of BASHING the press and action of accepting $100 million to expose their personal life TO the press.
And when Episode 6 only further substantiated my confusion, I was left to consider that, perhaps, I was misinterpreting what I thought was their reason for leaving the family and I should keep trying to figure it out … And that’s when it hit me! I realized that they didn’t leave the Royal family because the press wouldn’t leave them alone. Rather, they left the Royal family because they didn’t like that the press said mean things about them, and that the Royal family didn’t then fix it for them (I think?) Because you can’t SAY you don’t like red when you are WEARING red! In my mind, it’s as simple as that.
Contradiction! Contradiction!
Kathy Naumann, possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can’t control everything!


legals pg 2 1-5-23

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning &
Zoning Commission
At the December 21, 2022, meeting of the Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission, the following legal action(s) were taken:
1. David Adamo, 286 Quassett Road, application for a Class I Home
Occupation. APPROVED with conditions.
2. J&D Civil Engineers for Gerald Daigle, 128 Orchard Hill Road, special
permit application for an interior lot. APPROVED with conditions.
3. J&D Civil Engineers for Gerald Daigle, 128 Orchard Hill Road, proposed two-lot subdivision for two single-family homes and associated infrastructure. APPROVED with conditions.
Dated at Pomfret,
December 29, 2022
Lynn L. Krajewski,
Planning & Zoning Commission

Jan. 4, 2023


menus pg 2 1-5-23

Woodstock Public Schools
Everyday: Fruit. Monday: Chicken patties on buns. Tuesday: Bosco Stix, marinara sauce. Wednesday: Chicken nuggets, brown rice, black beans. Thursday: Sloppy Joes, zucchini. Friday: No school.
Putnam Elementary/Middle
Monday - Breakfast for Lunch: (elementary - French toast sticks) (middle: Waffle with fruit and cream), scrambled eggs, hash browns, fruit. Tuesday: Orange popcorn chicken rice bowl, broccoli. Wednesday: Grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup, cheddar Goldfish crackers, fruit. Thursday: Fiesta beef nachos, corn, fruit. Friday: Stuffed-crust pizza, salad, fruit.
Putnam High
Monday: Chinese take-out or spicy chicken sandwiches. Tuesday: Mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce or bacon cheeseburgers. Wednesday: Nachos Grande or chicken Caesar wraps. Thursday: Chicken potato bowls or calzone pizza boli. Friday: Big Daddy Pizza or calzone pizza boli.
Pomfret Community
Everyday: Fresh fruit and vegetables. Alt chicken patties. Monday: Cheese ravioli, meatball marinara, green beans. Tuesday: Sweet and sour chicken rice bowl with broccoli. Wednesday - Brunch for Lunch: French toast, egg or sausage patties, hash browns. Thursday: BBQ rib on rolls, baked beans. Friday: Pizza, salad.


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