Martial pg 11 4-11-13

PUTNAM — The following students were promoted at the March Graduation 2013 at Mike Bogdanski’s and Kristin Duethorn’s Quest Martial Arts.
Blue Dragon: Deidrea Hanshaw Ty Nichols, Paul Poplasky
Green Dragon: Isabel Selmecki, Campbell Fraser
Red Dragon: Ela Gadoury, Emma Rainville
Child Orange: Reed Magnan
Child Blue: Heidi Pohlman, Sierra Buisson   
Blue/Green: Alaina Salkiewicz
Green/White: Emma Brock, Ewa Sekula, Adam Sekula, Aidan Stewart, Conor Stewart, Cameron Sauer
Green/Black: Ethan Ekman Morgan Potter
Child Green: Nicholas Boligan, Jack Heroux       
Green/Red: Connor Taylor
Child Red: Javier Alvarez, Hayley Kuhn
Red/Black: Eric Nocera, Riley  Chapuis
3 Stripe Green: Madison Hopkins, Lydia Smith
2 Stripe Green: Emma  Willard
1 Stripe Green: Arielle   Kippax
3 Stripe Red: Carl Anderson, Tyler Hopkins, Mason Lefleur, Gerald  LaMontagne, Stacey Pazienza, Andrew Hughes
Adult Apprentice Black Belt: Jesse Viteri

PCA pg 11 4-11-13

PUTNAM —  Fifty-three years after the landmark Project Talent study was first administered, researchers are seeking the classes 1960-63 from Putnam Catholic Academy to discover what became of their lives.
Members of the classes of 1960-1963 from Putnam Catholic Academy are asked to contact Project Talent to register their interest and provide details of where they can be contacted to receive further information. We are also interested in any information that can be provided about the whereabouts of other classmates. Participants can call the project on 1 866 770 6077 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also visit the Project Talent website:
In 1960, Project Talent assessed the aptitudes and abilities, hopes and expectations of 440,000 high school students from across America. The study was conducted by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and the United States Office of Education.
“The Project Talent generation is very important in the history of this country,” says Sabine Horner, Project Talent’s Director of Outreach and Communications. “They came of age during an era of great upheaval and they transformed the United States as we knew it. Project Talent is an opportunity to share their perspectives and experiences in a meaningful way that can benefit future generations.”
Large studies that follow people from adolescence to retirement are both rare and extremely valuable. They allow researchers to make connections between early life experiences and later life outcomes. A new follow-up study can tell us how family and educational background impact the life course, up to and including the retirement process. Researchers can also learn why certain people stay healthier and happier and are more able to enjoy their later life.

Dedicated pg 12 4-11-13

Family members of Susan McNally Everson recently gathered at the Putnam Public Library to celebrate her memory. She was raised in Putnam, attended Windham High School in the early ‘60s and graduated from UConn in 1967 with a degree in child development.  She married and moved away for 26 years returning to Putnam in 1994 with her husband Pete Everson. An avid reader all her life, she spent many hours as a child and adult at the Putnam Public Library. A memoriam was set up at the Public Library after her death in 2011 and recently two entryway maple benches were dedicated in her honor. The family also awards a $2,000 annual scholarship in her memory to a Putnam High School senior attending UConn. Standing, left to right: Ben Everson, Pete Everson, Matt Everson. Sitting: Craig McNally, Muriel McNally, Diane McNally Ross. Courtesy photo.

Education briefs pg 12 4-11-13

WILLIMANTIC --- Eastern Connecticut State University’s Department of English recently inducted students into the Sigma Tau Delta international English honor society:   Shelbie Greene ’13 of Putnam, and  Megan Kennett ’13 of Thompson, were  inductees.

PROVIDENCE --- The following area residents have been named to the Dean’s List at Providence College for the Fall 2012 semester: Sara Gorham of Chepachet, and a member of the class of 2014, and Nicole Romano of Chepachet, and a member of the class of 2013.

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