Bungay pg 4 12-10-20

Bungay Fire
Brigade elects
officers, makes
WOODSTOCK — Members of the Bungay Fire Brigade celebrated their accomplishments and elected Officers during their November Annual Meeting.
   Retiring Fire Chief Roy Chandler thanked Brigade members for their dedication and service during this challenging year and announced that Brigade volunteers had responded to 242
emergency calls, including 112 medical calls, 13 structure fires and 18 motor vehicle accidents. The Brigade provided mutual aid assistance 36 times to neighboring towns and to the other Woodstock fire districts. Bungay Fire Brigade members collectively contributed more than 2,000 volunteer hours responding to calls, participating in training and drills, opening the station to the public during storm events and maintaining the Brigade’s equipment.   
   The following members were recognized for their years of dedicated service: Ross Kudzal, 10 years; Nick Webster and Dave Elliott, 20 years; Lois Bruinooge, 25 years; Josh Bottone, 30 years and Joe Surozenski, 40 years. Retiring President Mike Charette was also thanked for his strong leadership over the last four years.  
   The members recognized Roy Chandler, Josh Bottone and James Montanez as Officers of the Year and named Dan White as Firefighter of the Year. Diane Odorski and Nick Webster were recognized as EMS Responders of the Year and Diane was also given the Chief’s Award for Outstanding Service.
   Josh Bottone was elected Fire Chief, a position he previously held with the Brigade between 2000-2009. The following Officers were also elected: Deputy Chief - Roy Chandler; Captain - Dave Elliott; Chief Engineer & Captain - Steve Froehlich; President - Diane Odorski; Vice President - Mark Van der Voort; Secretary - Lois Bruinooge; Treasurer - Amanda Powers; Plant Engineer - Rob Wrobel; Board Member at Large - Cam Chandler; Auditors - Bill Wagner and John Hart; Nominating Committee - Robert Wrobel, Dave Elliott and Anna Grudzinski; Woodstock Fire Protection Association Members - Diane Odorski, Dave Elliott, Anna Grudzinski and Mike Charette.
   The Bungay Fire Brigade is a 100 percent volunteer fire department established in 1937. Today the Brigade serves West Woodstock and Woodstock Valley, and responds to fire, search and rescue, emergency medical, hazardous material, mutual aid and service calls 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
For additional information about the Brigade or to obtain membership information, visit the Brigade’s web site at www.bungay.com or contact Bungay Fire Brigade, 1256 Rte. 171, West Woodstock, CT 06281, 860-974-0316.


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