tlgv pg 3 2-10-22

TLGV offers
Building off a successful 2021 Youth Engagement Grant Program, The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) has committed $15,000 to focus on the needs of youth. The 2022 Youth Engagement Grant is designed to benefit youth (under 21) in projects to conserve, celebrate or enhance The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor’s significant natural and historic resources or promote economic development.
Projects enhancing access for diverse audiences to the abundant natural and historic resources of the National Heritage Corridor are encouraged. Projects developed or led by youth will receive priority consideration. The grant is open to non-profits, municipalities and schools.
“We were thrilled with the innovative and thoughtful grant projects we were able to fund in 2021 and would like to keep the momentum going,” said Lois Bruinooge, executive director of TLGV. “Youth are engaging in history, health and wellness in truly exciting ways with the funding. We’re looking forward to seeing what our partners dream up next.”
TLGV has committed up to $15,000 to the program. Grants will range from $2,000 – $5,000. Funds will be dispersed on a reimbursement basis and must be matched 1:1 by cash or in-kind contributions. Projects that demonstrate the ability to generate more than 1:1 match will be given greater consideration.
All grant applications will be reviewed and approved by a TLGV board committee. Applications must be postmarked or hand-delivered by 4 p.m. April 7.  Applications may also be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 11:59 p.m., April 7. For the details of the program and application requirements please visit


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