Category: Current Issue
'Fairy Walk'
a success
POMFRET — The rain held out long enough in early October for 26 participants to explore the woodland path behind the Pomfret Public Library and take a 1.5-mile scavenger hunt walk on a connecting loop trail created by Pomfret School’s forestry team. 
 The walk was first and participants found dinosaurs, spiders, and a golden owl in the woods.  Along the way they learned about bittersweet, what poison ivy looks like, and found mushrooms and lichens.  As they walked, children had an opportunity to fill their bags with materials to make a nature collage on return to the library.   This portion of the walk was led by Jason Vu, a member of Pomfret School’s Service Team.  This Last Green Valley Walktober walk was co-sponsored by the Friends of the Pomfret Public Library and the Pomfret School which reflects a partnership between the library and Pomfret School that is a longstanding tradition.  Service team students have assisted the library for years with the library’s annual fundraising book sale, and have helped plant bulbs and remove debris in the woodland path area.  Two years ago, the forestry club at the school connected one of their walking trails to the Aicher Garden woodland path area behind the library which made this walk possible.  
On return to the library, participants had an opportunity to check out the Fairy Tree created by Kristin Lavitt, the children’s librarian, to make their own fairy houses under trees along the woodland path,  make a nature collage, have their faces extravagantly painted by LarysaV, and to enjoy hot cider and snacks provided by Pomfret Service Team members.