Category: Current Issue
Loafer Challenge
April 3 the Putnam Lions , Putnam Leos, and members of the Putnam Rotary gathered at the Farmers Market pavilion in Putnam for their annual Loafer Challenge . For many years there has been a gathering of the clubs to take up food and monetary collections for Daily bread food pantry. For the third year in a row, The Putnam Lodge of Elks showed their support with officers showing up for a surprise visit in their tuxes . Officers presented the gathering organizations with 100 food items, $439 in donations from the lodge members, and a donation from the Putnam Pitch league of $1280. At the end of the day , a healthy truck load of food and monetary donations totaling $3215.44 was delivered to Daily Bread Food Pantry.  Elks included: PER Shawn Tessier, Treasurer Tamara Mathis, PER Lysa Molnar, Exhalted Ruler  Walter Napierata. Photo by  Karyn DiBonaventura.