Category: Current Issue
Arc and
supporters decry
budget cuts
DANIELSON —  At a recent legislative meeting The Arc Quinebaug Valley voices were heard regarding the proposed state budget cuts to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS).
The Arc provides programs for individuals with intellectual, developmental and other life-affecting disabilities. Vocational, residential, recreation, education, day and retirement services offer opportunities for people with disabilities to reach their goals and be integral members of their community.
Legislators in attendance were State Representative Mike Alberts, State Representative Christine Randall and State Representative Daniel Rovero. Shannon Jacovino, Director of Advocacy & Public Policy at The Arc Connecticut was also present and spoke about the devastation the proposed budget cuts to DDS will bring to human service agencies in Connecticut, such as The Arc.
More than 60 people attended, from families, individuals served, Arc Board members, Arc staff and various members from the community. The stories shared were unforgettable, truly touching, and very powerful for not only the legislators to hear, but for everyone at the meeting. “It is moments such as this, where we all stand united, that make me extremely proud to be part of such an amazing agency and strong community, even more so than I already am. Together, our voices can be heard and we have the ability to make a difference.” said Susan M. Desrosiers, executive director of The Arc Quinebaug Valley.
Parents of individuals with disabilities in the community stood up and spoke directly to the legislators about their hardships with the already under-funded DDS system.  
Tears were shed due to the fear and severity of these proposed budget cuts, but there was still a sense of hope in the air that the legislators could help stop these budget cuts from happening.
Representative Rovero stated, “We are on your side!” Five simple words that made all the difference in the world to everyone
that was present at the meeting.  Representative Alberts and Representative Randall both agreed with Mr. Rovero. “I can feel the anxiety in the room, as well as the worry and concern you all have. It shouldn’t have to be that way and it is unfortunate that it is.” said Representative Randall.
The proposed budget cuts threatened $17 million in recession cuts to DDS as part of a plan to address a $79 million shortfall in the budget for fiscal year 2016.  Legislators voted on an alternative to Governor Malloy’s plan on March 29th.  The deficit mitigation plan resulted in a cut of $3,393,681 from the DDS budget.