Category: Current Issue
DAYVILLE — David Grassini from Danielson was selected as Westview Health Care Center’s employee of the month for June. Grassini works in the Maintenance Department at the facility and has been employed at the center since October 2015. “I just want to thank everyone who nominated me,” said Grassini. “After a short seven months since being hired, everyone here has made me feel welcomed and I can honestly say they have become my second family. I would also like to repeat a quote from one of the greatest of all time, Muhammad Ali: He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” Westview Administrator David T. Panteleakos added “David has quickly acclimated to our Westview family and he is a great addition to our team.” In his spare time, Mr. Grassini enjoys playing video games, camping, watching “MMA” mixed martial arts, boxing and wrestling.