Category: Current Issue
PUTNAM — As part of Eversource’s work to upgrade its natural gas distribution system, the company is investing $3.4 million on projects in the town of Putnam. The work involves replacing nearly 12,000 feet of existing cast iron and bare steel gas main with newer plastic pipe - which is safer, more durable and better able to handle fluctuations in underground temperatures.  In the past five years, Eversource has replaced more than 100 miles of older gas main around the state.  “As state-of- the-art materials and construction techniques advance, we continue upgrading our system to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of natural gas,” said Marc Andrukiewicz, Eversource vice president of Gas Engineering.  “Each year, we review the system’s performance and identify areas to make necessary and valuable improvements to maintain a first-rate natural gas distribution system.
The work in Putnam is taking place along Woodstock Avenue as well as Providence, Marshall, Maynard, Green, Roosevelt, School, Walnut, Centennial, Front, South Main and Grove streets.