Category: Current Issue

Over the coming weekends, Downtown Putnam will see the return of Holiday Strolls, bringing fun and festivity to the holiday shopping season. Each weekend will feature themed weekend activities in the various shops and boutiques of Putnam. Events are family-friendly and interactive, giving shoppers options for their seasonal shopping.
Starting the weekend of Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, the holiday strolls will kick off with “Gingerbread Weekend.” Downtown Putnam is once again decorating Main Street with Art Installations. Follow the trail to see more than 40 Gingerbread House creations. Gingerbread Trail Maps will be available at The Flying Carpet Studio, Victoria Station Cafe, Putnam Visitors Center, and other Main Street shops and restaurants by Dec. 1.
From Dec. 7 to 9, the public is encouraged to head to Downtown Putnam decked out in your ugliest Holiday attire. “Ugly Holiday Sweater Weekend” is back, with all ages invited to wear your ugliest Holiday Sweater for a great time. Have your picture taken in our “Ugly Sweater” Photo Booth, win special prizes in the shops and restaurants. Enjoy “Ugly Sweater” Sales, Drink and Dining Specials, and so much more.
Next up from Dec. 14 to 16 is “Stocking Stuffer Weekend.” Once again, Putnam is having a “Stocking Stuffer” Party downtown. Get all your Christmas Stocking Stuffer shopping done while having a great time. Special stocking stuffers available at the downtown shops and restaurants. Plus you could win a “Giant Stocking” worth over $200 in downtown Putnam Gift Certificates. Individual shops and restaurant stockings will be raffled off as well.
Finally, for those last-minute shoppers, Dec. 21 to 23 will be “Procrastination Weekend” in Downtown Putnam. Gift wrapping available in various shops and in the Atrium of the Montgomery Ward Building to benefit Red Cord Ministries. Gift cards, gift baskets and last-minute gift ideas abound! Enjoy Light Up Putnam holiday lights and relax with delicious food and beverage in one of our many award-winning eateries. 
Joining the festivities from the beginning is a brigade of handmade Nutcrackers. Each 7-foot tall, hand-crafted Nutcracker will grace the streets and businesses and offer holiday excitement to customers enjoying Putnam as their shopping and dining destination.
Two Nutcrackers appeared last year at Victoria Station Café and were a delightful hit with folks of all ages; creating focal points and a photo opportunity. These two originals, featuring red and blue uniforms respectively, are currently at Bradley Playhouse and Skeeter’s Toybox and are awaiting their new counterparts’ arrivals.
The Nutcracker Brigade is creating a Trail to encourage people to view them, along with Gingerbread Houses, in Downtown Putnam as the fairies rest for the winter.
