Category: Current Issue


Left to right: Jean Pillo, ECCD Watershed Conservation Project Manager; Michele Witham (Thompson); Bill Scalise (Pomfret); Jonathan Gradie (Woodstock); Laura Miller (Killingly); and Bill Jorsz, ECCD Board chairman. Courtesy photo.

WOODSTOCK — The Roseland Lake Monitoring Team received special recognition for its efforts to help conserve and protect soil and water.
At the annual meeting of the Eastern Connecticut Conservation District (ECCD) gave team members Bill Scalise (Pomfret), Laura Miller (Killingly), Michele Witham (Thompson), Jonathan Gradie (Woodstock), the ECCD Watershed Workhorse Award, for their dedicated volunteer service collecting water quality data from Roseland Lake in Woodstock on a biweekly schedule from April through September.
Other award winners include: Sid Ames, Rich Eccleston & Canterbury Public Works Crew were given a “You Made it Happen” Award for support provided during the installation of a rain garden at the Canterbury Elementary School, a site that presented special challenges; and Larry Fritch, Department Head of Bioscience Environmental Technology at the Ella T. Grasso Regional Vocational Technical High School, received an award for engaging students in hands-on education through the installation of four rain gardens in southeastern Connecticut.
People re-elected to the Board of Directors through 2022 include: Charlie Hobbs of Ledyard, Matt Peckham of Woodstock and Jimmy Moran of Mystic.
