Category: Current Issue

Trick or Treat
Wilfred Bousquet, the Parks and Recreation department director, estimated 4,000 people attended the annual Trick or Treat event downtown, Oct. 25. The 4,000 number included more than 1,600 children. He said it was one of the largest crowds in the 28-year history of the event. Bousquet thanked all the businesses and organizations that participated along with the Putnam Police Department for ensuring the safety of the event. In addition, he thanked Chairperson Karen Osbrey and long time helpers: Gary “O”, Sue Allard, Colleen DiColella and Nick Huston. Clockwise from top left: Left to right: Kiely Hulburt and Samara Kline, both of Thompson, and Trinity Garceau, of Putnam, watch the festivities frm the Post Office steps. Nathan Smith of Putnam as Yoda. Colin Gendron of Putnam, a shark. Amber Breton with Ronan, 5 months, and Coral from Brooklyn. Center: Lucas Silva, 4, of Putnam, a tornado.
