Category: Current Issue

Receives donations
The Arc Eastern Connecticut recently received three donations.
The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut’s Northeast and Southeast Women and Girls Funds awarded The Arc Eastern Connecticut $2,500 and $3,500, respectively, to augment and expand its successful “Voices” program for women with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in both New London and Windham counties. The Arc ECT will offer the Voices program to women at its Danielson offices as well as at its main offices in Norwich.
The Jewett City Bank Foundation has awarded The Arc Eastern Connecticut $500 to its Day and In-Home Supports (IHS) programs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder. This grant will allow the programs to purchase weighted blankets and a swing chair. These sensory items will give participants, especially those with ASD, a sense of security as well as aid in relaxation and calming. Weighted blankets also help people recover and sleep after a seizure, a common issue for many of The Arc’s participants.
Dime Bank Foundation gave Arc Eastern Connecticut  a $1,003 grant to buy CPR and first aid training materials for staff members working directly with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. With the July 2019 merger of The Arc New London County and The Arc Quinebaug Valley, the agency now employs more than 450 full and part-time staff, all of whom are trained in CPR and emergency first aid. The grant will allow The Arc Eastern Connecticut’s northeast offices to replace its outdated equipment, allowing staff to receive the most up-to-date and comprehensive emergency training, keeping participants as safe as possible.
