
Belly dancing was part of the fund-raiser for Haiti at a recent event at QVCC. Courtesy photo.

raises $4,500
for Haiti
DANIELSON --- QVCC recently celebrated the Haitian Culture as part of its Black History Month activities.  The event, “Haitian Fashion Show and Cultural Extravaganza,”  raised about $4,500 that will be used to build housing for 10 to 15 people in Haiti.
The event was sponsored by QVCC, the Multicultural Committee, the QVCC Rotaract Club, and the QVCC Student Government Association.  Contributions will continue to be accepted and can be mailed to:  Rotaract Club, Quinebaug Valley Community College, 742 Upper Maple Street, Danielson, CT  06239.  Checks should be made payable to “Roots of Development”.
The event included several performances including Belly Dancing, Haitian Drumming, a Fashion Show, and a Hooping presentation.  All fashions were either designed or repurposed by Camecia Cineus and included casual wear, evening wear, Haitian and Asian costumes, and formal/wedding wear.  Items displayed were available to the audience via auction.  The beneficiary of the fund-raiser was Roots of Development, a U.S. based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization dedicated to helping the residents of La Gonave, Haiti, manage their own development.  The founder of Roots of Development, CT resident Chad W. Bissonnette, opened the event with a short presentation that highlighted his work in Haiti, but also celebrated the rich culture and spirit of the Haitian people.

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