
Sister Eleanor Baldoni, left, and Putnam Rotary Club President Paul Pikora. Linda Lemmon photo.

Helping hand
PUTNAM --- In its year long commitment to help organizations throughout northeast Connecticut, the Putnam Rotary Club last week donated more than 25 gallon and half-gallon jugs of apple and other juices, plus $10, to Project Northeast.
Project Northeast's Associate Director Sister Eleanor Baldoni, had asked for juice as the project's shelves were nearly empty of juice. The director is Father Richard Archambault and Project Northeast has been serving the less fortunate in northeast Connecticut since 1978.
Sister Eleanor said the agency helps about 100 people a month. The agency, based in the hall at St. Mary of the Visitation Church in Putnam, accepts donations. Call 928-4078.
Pikora began his Rotary presidency at the end of June, pledging to help organizations each month. The club members bring in whatever the organizations ask for and Pikora delivers the donations, including monetary donations, each month.

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