Quest pg 11 10-18-18

PUTNAM — Grandmaster Mike Bogdanski and Master Kristin Duethorn of Quest Martial Arts announced the recent graduates from their monthly promotion.
Lee Wesler, 1 Stripe Blue 7 Gup
Gannon Siddall, 2 Stripe Blue 8 Gup
Michael Kozlowski, 3 Stripe Green 6 Gup
John Rock, 3 Stripe Green 6 Gup
Adam Lafleur    American Dragon
Samantha Mills      Blue Dragon
Kaden Dupuis    Blue-Black Belt
Olivia Turner    Blue-White Belt
Gino Esposito    Green Dragon
Adam Lee                Green-Black Belt
Alexandra Lee    Green-Black Belt
Marge Azu                Orange Belt
Anthony Mills    Orange Belt
Jaxon Welch    Orange Belt
Connor Herlihy    Orange Dragon
Abigael Stevens    Orange-Blue Belt
Aylin Stevens    Orange-Blue Belt
Jacob Turner    Orange-Blue Belt
Paul Azu                Red Dragon
Aris Roane                Red-White Belt
Ingrid Alves    Yellow Belt
Lillian Webb    Yellow Belt


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