legals pg 3 2-8-24

Town of Putnam
Zoning Board of Appeals
Legal Notice

The Town of Putnam Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a hybrid meeting on February 20, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. on the second floor, Room 201, of the Municipal Complex located at 200 School Street, Putnam, CT.   A public hearing will take place on each of the following:

Appeal # 2024-002 Seng Phonesavanh request for side yard variance of 9 feet in accordance with Section 401-Table IV-1 Schedule of Dimensional Requirements in the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations.  The applicant is seeking a variance to add a second story to an existing structure.  The property is located at 1 Munyan Road, Town Assessors Map 28, Lot 71, Zoned Ag-2.

Appeal # 2024-003  Matt Johnson request for a lot coverage variance in accordance with Section 401-Table IV-1 Schedule of Dimensional Requirements in the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations.  The applicant is seeking to add an additional unit to a legal-nonconforming 2-family.  The property is located at 88-90 Woodstock Avenue, Town Assessors Map 011, Lot 055, Zoned-R-7

Joseph Nash, Chair.

Zoom meeting information will be available before the meeting.

Feb. 8, 2024
Feb. 15, 2024

Town of Putnam
Land Use Department
The Town of Putnam Land Use Department invites residents to review and comment on our Stormwater Management Plan and the 2023 MS4 annual report as required by the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection DEEP General Permit for the discharge of stormwater from Separate Strom Sewer Systems.  The Stormwater Management Plan may be found on the Town website at:
The 2023 MS4 Annual Report will be placed on the Town Website on February 15, for review and comment.
The Land Use Department encourages residents to join in working together to protect the integrity of stormwater by not dumping anything in the storm drains, properly disposing of pet waste, and by reducing the amount of fertilizer used on lawns.  
Visit the Town website for links on how you can make a difference with efforts to protect the environment.  
Citizens are encouraged to report illicit dumping by contacting the Land Use Agent at 860-963-6800 ext. 114.

Feb. 8, 2024


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