legals pg 3 2-29-24

Town of Putnam
Zoning Board of Appeals
Legal Notice

The Town of Putnam Zoning Board of Appeals held a hybrid meeting on February 20, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. on the second floor, Room 201, of the Municipal Complex located at 200 School Street, Putnam, CT.   

Appeal # 2024-001  Epifani Construction LLC request for variances from the front, back, side and corner setbacks reduced to zero for the subdivision of Lot 66.   Property is located at 75 Main Street, Town Assessors Map 015, Lot 66, Zoned PD.  APPROVED

Appeal # 2024-002 Seng Phonesavanh request for side yard variance of 9 feet in accordance with Section 401-Table IV-1 Schedule of Dimensional Requirements in the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations.  The applicant is seeking a variance to add a second story to an existing structure.  The property is located at 1 Munyan Road, Town Assessors Map 28, Lot 71, Zoned Ag-2.  PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO MARCH 19, 2024 at 7:00 P.M..

Appeal # 2024-003  Matt Johnson request for a lot coverage variance in accordance with Section 401-Table IV-1 Schedule of Dimensional Requirements in the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations.  The applicant is seeking to add an additional unit to a legal-nonconforming 2-family.  The property is located at 88-90 Woodstock Avenue, Town Assessors Map 011, Lot 055, Zoned-R-7. VARIANCE REQUEST DENIED.

Joseph Nash, Chair.

Feb. 29, 2024


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