am legion pg 3 3-21-24


From left: Michael Rocchetti, Jaxon Huth, Harper Thompson, Curt Prochowski. Photo courtesy of Roberta Rocchetti.

PUTNAM — A military-style honor guard procession preceded the 2024 American Legion School Award Medal program March 14 at the Putnam Middle School.
The program is sponsored by Putnam’s American Legion Mayotte-Viens Post #13 and is directed by PMS teacher (and Post 13 member) Curt Prochowski. The MC for the award ceremony was Post 13 Commander Michael Rocchetti who said, “This program is all about Americanism, patriotism and love-of-country.”
Prochowski, who presented the awards, said, “Ours is a 12-week program designed to develop an understanding of the qualities of courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship and service in students.” The award recipients were PMS student participants deemed most dedicated to the high qualities of citizenship and true Americanism, and they included: Anna Rawson, Quinn Lucier, Harper Thompson, Gianna Gerardi, Joyce Mentor, Kaylyn Gaboury, Jacob Meyer, Jaxon Huth, Mickey Moran, Nicolas Columbia, Anthony Dzurenka, and Noah Santiago.
In closing Rocchetti urged students to be ever mindful of their primary duties and obligations of American citizenship — to obey the laws, and respect the rights of their fellow citizens.
Rocchetti thanked Prochowski and the staff at Putnam Middle School, PMS teacher (and singer/guitarist) Jason Altieri who performed several songs for the event, the Honor Guard which consisted of American Legion members Frank Tremont and Chris Steinbrick, and to other Legionnaires in attendance including Patrick Kelly, Victor Kratz, Michael Therrien, and Tina Lajoie.


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