Pomfret Budget legal pg 4 5-9-24

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret

The legal voters and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meeting of the Town of Pomfret are hereby warned to meet at the Pomfret Community School Cafeteria, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret, Connecticut on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. to act upon the following articles:

Opening Remarks by First Selectman Maureen Nicholson

Article 1: To choose a Moderator for said meeting.

Article 2: To see if the Town will consider and act upon the following resolution:  “Resolved” that the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation and the Office of Policy and Management, State of Connecticut, for the expenditure of all Highway funds under the provisions of Chapter 240 and the expenditure of all Local Capital Improvement Funds under the provisions of Chapter 7-536, CT General Statutes, for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024.

Article 3: To see if the Town will consider and adopt the Five-Year Local Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal year 2024–2025 as proposed by the Board of Selectmen.

Article 4: To hear and act upon the report of the Selectmen, Town Treasurer, Treasurer of the Local School Fund, and Board of Education, as published by the Board of Finance, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.    

Article 5: To see if the Town will accept the following cemetery funds for perpetual care: To see if the Town will accept the following cemetery funds for perpetual care: Pomfret Cemetery Corporation:  James and Nancy Weiss, Yard 3 Lot 221- $100.00; John F. Brannigan III, Yard 3 Lot 91- $100.00; John and Anna Brannigan Jr., Yard 3 Lot 90- $100.00; Daniel Landry, Yard 3 Lot 97- $100.00; Gerald Clark, Yard 3 Lots 106 and 107- $200.00; Benjamin Holden, Yard 3 Lots 113 and 114- $200.00; Geoffrey Dawson, Yard 3 Lot 108- $100.00; Renee Holden, Yard 3 Lots 111 and 112- $200.00; and Rachel Holden, Yard 3 Lots 109 and 110- $200.00; Abington Cemetery Association:  James and Aline Adams, deTallyrand Annex # 469- $100.00; David and Deborah Howe, deTallyrand Annex # 1041, 1042 and 1043- $300.00; Thomas Davis, deTallyrand Annex #’s 471, 472 and 1040- $ 300.00; Kevin Boucher, deTallyrand Annex # 470- $100.00; and Debora Durand, deTallyrand Annex # 501- $100.00.

Article 6: To see if the Town will approve to participate in, and serve as liaison for the Neighborhood Assistance Act, and as such approve and support an application made by Pomfret Historical Society for upgrades and repairs to the Old Town House in Pomfret as a viable project.    

Article 7: To see if the Town will adopt a total appropriation in the amount of $14,734,335 for the 2024-2025 fiscal year budget with $ 3,383,096 of said amount to be the General Government Appropriation and $11,351,239 of said amount to be the Board of Education Appropriation, the same to be funded by estimated revenues as recommended by the Board of Finance.
Article 7 to be voted on by paper ballot with a “Yes” or “No” vote      

Article 8: To do any other business proper to come before said meeting.

Discussion with public comments/questions regarding the new Bulky Waste Facility to immediately follow the close of the meeting.
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut, this 8th day of May, 2024
Maureen A. Nicholson
Patrick R. McCarthy
Alan B. Chubbuck
Its Board of Selectmen

Cheryl A. Grist,
Town Clerk

May 8, 2024


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