turning pg 7 5-16-24

The Putnam High School softball team has a new look this season.  It began with a new coach, a buy-in from the players and a belief in the fact that the team can compete with other teams in the ECC  Div. IV.
This new-found energy and excitement doesn’t necessarily mean that the team will go from 0-19 (last year’s record) to a State Championship overnight.  Turning this Clipper Softball Ship around is more like turning the RMS Queen Mary 2 around on a dime in the middle of a blustery ocean.  Or it’s much like the query, “How do you eat an elephant?”  Answer – “One bite at a time.”
That’s the philosophy that coach David Coderre and his team of 13 enthusiastic young ladies have bought in to.  The results, though not yet at a championship level, are beginning to occur.  As of this date the Clipper softballers sport an overall record of 5 – 10 overall and 5 – 1 in the ECC Div. IV.
“We set out some simple goals when we first met.  We wanted to work toward teaching skills and providing support to help the players realize they belonged on the field with other teams and to recognize they could be competitive.  Additionally, we stressed good citizenship, the importance of academics and finally translating those qualities to solid softball players on the diamond,” said Coderre.
The proof that the new philosophy is working centers around the team’s senior tri-captains catcher Lily Goyette, third baseman Kaya Pernini and center fielder Melodie Anderson.  The trio has embraced the leadership role and it’s translated into a spirit of respect for each other, for opponents, officials and a few victories.
Goyette, who is headed to UConn in September, is a four-year starter whose been a rock behind the plate, at the bat and on the bases.  She’s the team’s leading hitter with more than 20 runs-batted-in and she’s demonstrating the same tenacity in the classroom where she was recently selected Putnam’s CIAC Scholar Athlete.
Third baseman Pernini, who is headed to the University of Rhode Island, selflessly volunteered to take over the hot corner duties, where she’s progressed steadily game-to-game.  She’s also a solid hitter at the plate.
The speedy Anderson, who is headed to UConn, has been a terror on the base paths and covers center field like a blanket.  
Joining the tri-captains are juniors Hailey Summers a strong-armed shortstop who is the team’s defensive leader. Left fielder Olivia Hetrick, who teams well with center fielder Anderson. The other junior is key reserve outfielder Ava Wolinski.  This trio should provide leadership next year and influence others to come out for the team.
With five freshman and two sophomores filling out the roster, the future looks bright for the Clippers.  Freshman Aubrey Paquette is the team’s pitcher.  She’s started every game in the circle and also provides a solid bat at the dish.  Frosh Iyanah Ruiz is steady at first base and is coming into her own as a hitter.  A third freshman Ayla Daniels completes the outfield, patrolling right field.  Rounding out the freshman contingent are outfielder Gabi Cantuaria and outfielder first baseman Avah Grimshaw.  Sophomore Madalyn Parquette is the starting second baseman and soph outfielder Brynn Dignam also fills the role of designated player.
“Coach Coderre is teaching these young ladies how to play the game and instilling pride.  The girls appear to be very happy as they learn and see progress almost daily,” said a parent of one of the players.
“In addition to seeing growth on the field, I’m pleased that the majority of our players are honor roll students and involved in community and school activities.  They form a solid core of the student body as they appear everywhere that positive things are happening,” said Coderre.   
Tourtellotte softball coach Greg Guillot instituted The French River Cup this year, a prize that his Tigers and Coderre’s Clippers vied for twice this season with Putnam coming out on top in both contests.  “I hope the cup gives the young ladies on both teams something special to compete for annually,” said Guillot.
Meanwhile in Putnam,  Coderre and his assistant Aislin Tracey, a former lacrosse player at Eastern Connecticut State University and currently a grad student at the University of New England, come out every day and practice and prepare the girls, not only for the next game but for the next step in their journey of life.
“We row the boat every day with these hard-working young ladies.  They understand that they are an integral piece of turning this ocean liner around.” said Tracey and Coderre.

Putnam High School softball tri-captains, from left: Lily Goyette, Kaya Pernini and Melodie Anderson proudly display The French River Cup, which they captured after winning both games against the Tourtellotte Tigers.

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